Posted by Bharat Suneja at 5:54 PM
You've setup Exchange Server 2007, and configured the shiny new Content Filter agent (CFA), which is more than just a rewrite of the equally loved and hated Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) from Exchange Server 2003. The CFA has three thresholds - equivalent of Gateway thresholds and (gateway) actions in IMF. These are: 1) SCLDeleteThreshold 2) SCLRejectThreshold and 3) SCLQuarantineThreshold.
1. SCLDeleteThreshold: Messages with SCL equal to or higher than the SCLDeleteThreshold are deleted silently. To enable the SCLDeleteThreshold:
set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLDeleteThreshold 8 -SCLDeleteEnabled:$true
2. SCLRejectThreshold: Messages with SCL equal to or higher than the SCLRejectThreshold are rejected during the SMTP session, after the data is received. In this case, senders get a NDR. To enable the SCLRejectThreshold:
set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLRejectThreshold 7 -SCLRejectEnabled:$true
In the above case, Exchange doesn't accept the message. After the data is received, it responds with a 500 5.7.1 error and a rejection response (by default this response is: Message rejected due to content restrictions. This rejection message can be configured using the following command (response message used here is for illustration, not a real suggestion - Bharat) :
set-ContentFilterConfig -RejectionResponse "Stop spamming you *****!"
The actual NDR is generated and sent to the sender by the sending host. What the sending host will see after the message content is sent (and if you actually modified the rejection response based on my example :)
500 5.7.1 Stop spamming you *****!
Figure 1: Exchange Server 2007's Content Filtering agent can be configured with the equivalent of all 3 Gateway actions available in Exchange Server 2003's Intelligent Message Filter (IMF): 1) Delete messages 2) Reject messages and 4) Quarantine messages
3. SCLQuarantineThreshold: Messages with SCL equal to or higher than the SCLQuarantineThreshold are delivered to the quarantine mailbox, provided you have one configured. To enable the SCLQuarantineThreshold and configure a quarantine mailbox:
set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLQuarantineThreshold 6 -SCLQuarantineEnabled:$true
This is an improvement over IMF, which had only one gateway action (and one corresponding gateway threshold). The Content Filter agent allows the flexibility of enabling all three actions on the gateway - the rule is: SCLDeleteThreshold > SCLRejectThreshold > SCLQuarantineThreshold.
To get a list of all three SCL values and whether each action is enabled or not, use the following command:
get-ContentFilterConfig | Select SCL*
So where's the equivalent of IMF's Store threshold? (to move messages to users' Junk Mail folders)?
It's called SCLJunkThreshold, and it resides in a different location - in the Organization configuration. It can be set using the set-OrganizationConfig command:
set-OrganizationConfig -SCLJunkThreshold 5